Sunday, 28 August 2016

Why I don’t trust good people.

This may sound absurd, in every meaning of the word. But in my opinion, I sometimes find it quite difficult to trust good people. Everyone is good by default, till they do something bad, but come to think about it, there are people who have been perceived as infinitely good such that if someone came up with an ideology of an offense they did, no one would actually believe. This is my bone of contention.

Being good in all situations is in itself a requirement, as a matter of fact, those that are entrusted with certain utilities due to their nature of being morally and socially accepted are the kind of people the society needs. But come to think about it, human beings have shortcomings, others call it weaknesses, but I prefer using the word shortcomings. Some of these good people may take advantage of the trust vested upon them and use it to their advantage or for malice.

 Picture this; you have a wife, girlfriend, fiancée, husband or any member of the opposite sex in which you may be having a romantic or intimate affair with. All that time you two have been together, they have truly displayed the notion of the best and loyal partner ever. You fully trust them, because at the back of your mind, they have created an image of a noble stature, the image of a straightforward person. You trust them too deep, ocean floors cannot summate to the depth of trust you have vested in them.

Someone comes out of the blues and one day tells you that your significant other is cheating on you. Hard to believe, right? Well, that is the moment someone may decide to take advantage, in such kind of delicate situations. ‘Am too god to be bad’ that is the notion running through their minds. This is the moment good people often use to twist situations to their advantage.  Their goodness is so much magnetised on you trust such that you may easily brush such kind of allegations. “I wouldn’t believe such a thing” you tell yourself. Well, what you don’t know doesn’t kill you, right? Well, learned friends came up with a combative retaliatory cliché that counters that and they said, “Ignorance is no defence”. What you don’t know eventually kills you.

The moment the truth finally hits you, it breaks you down to your last body cell, may be to the centre of its nucleus.  These are the times your nervous breakdown hits your central nervous system. When reality finally hits you in situations like these, you may become a retarded psychopath. You may have a negative attitude towards people. I think murderers, misogamists and serial killers are born out of situations like these. If you take a thorough scrutiny of such people’s lives, you will realise that the genesis of their retarded psychology was as a result of a trusted individual disappointing their trust.

And these kinds of situations cuts cross all spheres of life. It does not just happen in relationships alone. Parents have lived with rapists thinking that they have innocent sons in the house only to be hit by reality when they are called up to assist in investigations. Some of you people have lived with thieves who they perceived as innocent people. The ultimate truth eventually comes out and that is the time you start formulating hypothesis no one can fathom.
In my honest opinion, I’d rather people get to know the real me than just the perceived me. This makes it easier for people to get to know who I really am, such that in the event of a stunt, people don’t get surprised, since they know my negative capabilities.  Pretenders are the worst and pretenders are worse than murderers. That’s why I don’t trust good people.

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